I have been making homemade playdough for years and I've never seemed to get it right! I've tried countless recipes and when I think I've found a good one, it never turns out the same a second time. They turn out either two ways. One being it's TOO STICKY! The kids fingers are covered in it, the loose part manipulatives are covered in it and it feels like we are spending countless hours explaining to parents why their clothing is covered in playdough. And then there's the TOO DRY playdough. The kids can't even roll it out, it crumbles and ends up all over the floor and it lasts about two seconds. I'm sorry but this creates a nightmare in a Kindergarten classroom that nobody has time for!
I've tried to correct the situation... tweak the recipes... but nope. My never ending battle with homemade play dough continues... until NOW!
My new found miracle... STOVE TOP playdough. I stuck my nose up to stove top play dough for years and that's why I had never tried it but it is a game changer in the playdough making world. I thought it would be messier, I thought it would take longer to do but in actuality.. it's easier, takes less time and it's WAY less messy.

So let me show you how I go about making this playdough.
I get all of my ingredients at Bulk Barn and keep them in sealed containers in my cupboard. You can get super cheap flour and salt in bulk from there. Unfortunately, they have stopped selling cream of tartar in bulk but they do have a container for $8.29 that will last quite awhile (for this recipe at least).

In a medium sauce pan, I combined the flour, salt and cream of tartar and mixed until blended together.

Add oil, food colouring and water. I add my food colouring to the water before adding it to the dry ingredients. I find this much easier when it comes to colour distribution. QUICK TIP: I only like to use gel food colourings for my playdough. I have several reasons for this. One, a little goes a long way with this colouring and two, I don't find it changes the consistency of the playdough at all.

Stir ingredients all together until it looks something like this. It should be the consistency of thick cake batter.

Over medium heat, continuously stir the playdough. It will start to form lumps which is what you want!

Remove it from heat when it starts to pull away from the pot. It should look like this. Try not to cook it for too long. It will change the consistency of your final product.

Place your finished playdough on the counter and knead until it is smooth!

Your playdough should look something like this once you are finished kneading.

I store my finished playdough in sealed Tupperware containers so it maintains its freshness.
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/3 cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
food colouring (optional)
1. In a medium sized sauce pan, combine the flour, salt and cream of tartar and mix until blended together.
2. Add food colouring to 1 cup of water. (I like to do this because I find it is easier to blend into the playdough)
3. Add water and vegetable oil to sauce pan and mix. The consistency should look like thick cake batter.
4. Cook the playdough on medium heat, continuously stirring to avoid burning.
5. Continue stirring until the playdough begins to pull away from the sides and bottom of the pot. This takes maybe 3-5 minutes.
6. Remove from heat and knead until the playdough has a smooth consistency.
*Store your playdough in a sealed tight Tupperware container.
And there it is!
I hope you try this recipe because it really is amazing!