My very first blog post. How exciting! I've posted this activity on my instagram page @itskindie, but I want to be able to go into a little bit more detail here.
OKAY! So... I love teaching the kids about non-standard measurement. It's always so much fun and the kids love measuring with anything and everything around the classroom. I really enjoy measuring the kids height because 1) they get excited to see who is the tallest and 2) it's personalized to each child. This Spring flower measurement activity is by far my favourite so far. We did this last year with the kids so I don't have great photos, unfortunately.

Here's a run down of how we did this activity.
1. During a math lesson at the carpet, I had two balls of yarn. We discussed how you can use any object to measure with and in this case, it was yarn. One by one, I had a child come to the centre of the carpet where I let them choose which colour they wanted to be measured with (the stem of their flower).
2. I made a flower template and cut out enough flowers for each student in our class. Thinking back on it, I'd probably have the kids trace their own flower and cut it out by themselves. Why not throw a little fine motor practice in while we're at it! The kids wrote their name on the flower of their choice. I made sure they got the colour they wanted or else I knew we'd have problems haha. You could also either glue a picture of their face to the flower. I chose to have them print their name because it was more of a challenge for the later part of this activity.
3. After we put these out in our hallway, I took our kiddos out in groups of four to choose someone they were either taller than or shorter than. Most of them picked taller than haha. We went back into the classroom and worked together as a small group to fill out their sheet. When I was working with the kids, I chose to write the words taller, shorter and measure on a white board for them to copy. If I were to make it more of a challenge for our Year Two students, I would have them stretch and sound the words out.
You can get a FREE copy of the sheet that I made in the link below!
4. Using the Ontario 2016 Kindergarten Program document, I picked out a few success criteria and curriculum connections to go along side our activity in the hallway.

And there you have it, my friends! A super easy and fun measurement activity for you to do with your kiddos this Spring!
Have fun, be creative and enjoy!